"Don't waste another year.
Catch a vision beyond your pain."
Wise Choice Educational & Family Solutions
Providing family mediation, supportive coaching and training. We have worked with over 5,000 individuals and families in the past 14 years throughout West Linn, the Portland metro area, all over the nation, and internationally.

Do you feel like you or your family is falling apart
and you don't know what to do?
Can I stay in this marriage?
Can I sustain this parenting plan?
Is it too late to fix my angry teenager?
Will my child grow up to be independent?
Is there a way to fix the current conflict?
Will my family-life worsen?

Laura Rosal
Wise Choice Educational Solutions, Inc. was founded in 2007 by Laura Rosal with the simple philosophy of maximizing human potential by transforming minds and creating new destinies. For 12 years, we have provided focused high-quality services ranging from Family Mediation, Coaching, Educational Services (assessments, reading, writing, and math remediation) plus consulting around school, career and vocational assistance.